Although this blog began with the intention of sharing my textile knowledge with you and I will continue to do so, today I want to present a new project that we have created.

As you can read on the new page STUDIO15textile, the idea of partnering with two experts arises from the concern of offering more and better services.

During my journey with the personalized consultancies for each brand, many customers have specifically asked me to help them with the design of the collection or making the patterns.

At STUDIO15textile we offer all these services.

We intend to help you from the beginning to develop your ideas with rigour and professionalism.

I hope you like the project, and, I promise to resume the posts as soon as possible. I would love to share with you my professional experiences and stay in touch.

One thought on “STUDIO15textile”

  1. Dear Sonia
    Good luck for your new adventure , and thank you of sharing ,
    All the best

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